пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Ok.. Lets see if I cant sum up the last week as briefly as possible. Because I am known for being straight to the point. Lol.

[Edit: So NOT brief. But really, you canapos;t say you didnapos;t see that coming]


Last Thursday I had an interview for a contracted speaking gig.

Wait.. Rewind. I saw an ad for a professional/motivational speaker. I wasnapos;t going to apply originally but I thought "Hey, I like to talk, why not?" Shocker there. So I submitted my resume of promo work and professional work and didnapos;t think much of it. They responded that day wanting to set something up for later in the week. I went and talked with them. She liked me. Liked my background. Asked a bunch of questions that made me realize I have actually accomplished a lot in the last few years. (Good for not feeling like I have done nothing since graduation) Wanted to see me present so gave me one of their topics to do. Decided I would come back on Tuesday (10-14) to give presentation.

Worked over the weekend on the presentation because thatapos;s how I am. Which means I also was freaking out about presentation because thatapos;s how I am. Lol. Put together about 30 minutes worth of the topic since I was only required to do 15-20 minutes.

Went back on Tuesday. Talked a bit more about the position, pay, travel, etc and then was going to give my presentation. Had to switch rooms for that due to the need for technology. But I got through it despite being hella nervous for some reason. I LOVE talking, it doesnapos;t make me nervous, but have me do it for a grade or to be critiqued and I am a wreck.

But I got through it and she told me she liked it, I was relieved. Of course I figured she would tell me that I was great, but they have other people they want to see and would get to me whenever. Basically dick me around. So when she started talking about what my schedule was, and when can I start, and handing me binders of the talks and presentation/contact info I was shocked. Took SOOOO much to stay composed. Said she would call me Wednesday afternoon to see when I can train with someone.

Wednesday morning she calls me to tell me there is an event in Champaign IL that she wants me to do. Basically learn the ropes on Friday, then run it Saturday and Sunday. Holy hell? Way to get thrown into the deep end. Luckily I know how to swim. Lol.

So this weekend I am going to be in middle/southern Illinois for the whole weekend. It will be good to get a feel for the company and how things work. I am seriously getting paid to talk and interact with people. Wtf?

So wish me luck that this actually works out because it could be a lot of fun. I blame career a.d.d., the need to be busy all the time, trying to find a combination of something that will make me happy AND pay my bills and the fact that Iapos;m in the middle of a quarter life crisis. Lol. Oh well. It happens.


In other news, the ex texted me last night asking if I was around because he wanted to call. I had my angel and devil telling me what they thought. Appreciated greatly. I told him I couldnapos;t talk last night because I was exhausted from trying to avoid a cold and wouldnapos;t have the patience for it, but would be open to hearing what he has to say this weekend if possible. Not that I want to get back with him, but I do want to hear what he has to say. I donapos;t really feel like I "owe" him it, but because of who I am and how I work I am willing to let him say his peace since I said mine. He is a good guy. I could, but wont, fault him for being career focused and so passionate about what he does. We just met at the wrong time. It happens.

I think that is everything. It ended up not being short. I am taking my laptop down with me over the weekend because my hotel has free wireless. WOOt. So I will try and post about how I am handling being thrust into something new and different.

Have a great weekend everyone
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